Riverside, CA doctors office

Dr. Carl Knopke

Carl Knopke, M.D.

Dr. Knopke has been practicing medicine in the Riverside Area for over 10 years. He strives to maintain your health through a combination of healthy living and medical management. He believes that your experience at his office should be a positive one where you are treated well, your questions are answered in a way that can be easily understood, and your visits are timely.

Board Certifications

Contact Information

Carl G. Knopke, M.D. Family Practice

4646 Brockton Avenue
Suite 302
Riverside, CA 92506

To Schedule an Appointment:
Phone: (951) 774-2723

Dedicated Weight Loss Line:
(951) 231-1363

You can also text us!  (951) 774-2723

Office Hours

Mon: 8:00-5:00 pm
Tues: 8:00-5:00 pm
Wed: 8:00-4:00 pm
Thurs: 8:30-4:00 pm
Fri: 8:00-5:00 pm

We schedule appointments during lunch on Mondays and Tuesdays!

Office Forms

New Patient Packet (PDF)

New Patient Weight Loss Packet


Our office strives to be available at times when you are able to come in. To that end, our office offers a range of appointment times. We have morning appointments that start as early as 7:00 am and evening appointment as late as 6:00 pm. Our office is also open during the lunch hour on dedicated days. To facilitate these accessible appointment times our office offers 2 different providers to meet your needs, Carl Knopke M.D. and Madeline Gould, PA-C.

Obesity Medicine

If you are looking to lose weight by participating in a medically supervised weight loss program, we would like to help you. Please visit our sister website, www.inlandempireweightloss.com for further information. We have found that weight related problems such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, obstructive sleep apnea, hyperlipidemia and other medical problems can be brought under control with medical weight loss therapy. Usually, medications relating to the above conditions can be reduced and sometimes eliminated by participation in a medically supervised weight loss program.

Inland Empire Weight Loss
Smiling woman holding a scale

We are always striving to improve our office. Customer service and quality measures include:

We use an Electronic Medical Records system

Electronic prescriptions. Your prescriptions will often be ready at the pharmacy before you arrive.

New patient paperwork is available on line to save you time

Specific Weight loss forms can be found here.

Adoption of an integrated weight loss practice. Many health problems we see are best addressed through weight and lifestyle management. We are set up in house to help you with your weight control needs.

Expanded office hours with morning, lunch and evening hours available.

Availability of an afterhours express care.

We look forward to serving you. Please contact our office with any questions. If you would like to meet Dr. Knopke before establishing care just let our office staff know and we would be more than happy to set this up for you.

Weight Loss Counseling


Undergraduate: Bachelor of Science, UCLA, Biochemistry 1994

Medical School: University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, 2001

Residency: Riverside County Regional Medical Center, 2004


Chief Resident – Riverside County Regional Medical Center

Past Chair – Riverside Community Hospital Family Medicine Department


America’s Top Family Doctors 2006, 2007

AMA Physician Recognition Award


American Academy of Family Physicians

Obesity Medicine Association

Society of Hospital Medicine

American Medical Asssociation


Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, University of California Riverside

Past clinical instructor in the Biomedical Program at UC Riverside

Awarded the Resident Teacher Award by the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine – 2004

Hospital affiliations

Riverside Community Hospital