Seasonal Allergies

Here at Raincross Medical Group, our doctors can provide a customized approach to manage and alleviate your symptoms of seasonal allergies. The following outlines how one of our trusted Physicians can help you: 

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Seasonal Allergies

In Riverside, California, seasonal allergies can make you feel miserable. The good news is that the doctors at Raincross Medical Group can provide effective treatment to help you feel better fast!  Why not make an appointment and find out what treatments are right for you and your family!

  1. Diagnosis: One of our doctors can confirm the suspicion of seasonal allergies through a physician examination, reviewing your medical history, and if needed conducting allergy tests. 
  2. Medication: Various medications can be prescribed to assist in relieving the symptoms of seasonal allergies. Types of medications areΩ
    • Antihistamines: often used to relieve symptoms of allergies, such as hay fever, hives, conjunctivitis and reactions to insect bites or stings.
    • Decongestants:  a type of medicine that can provide short-term relief for a blocked or stuffy nose (nasal congestion).
    • Nasal corticosteroids: Nasal corticosteroids are cortisone-like medicines. They belong to the family of medicines called steroids. These medicines are sprayed or inhaled into the nose to help relieve the stuffy nose, irritation, and discomfort of hay fever, other allergies, and other nasal problems.
    • Eye drops: Antihistamine eye drops work by counteracting the body’s histamine response, which in turn reduces itching and other symptoms. These drops have an almost immediate effect, relieving eye irritation within two minutes of use. 
  3. Provide Allergen avoidance strategies:  For patients allergic to animal dander, removal of the animal from the home is recommended and usually results in a significant reduction in symptoms within 4–6 months. However, compliance with this recommendation is poor and, therefore, the use of high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters and restricting the animal from the bedroom or to the outdoors may be needed to attempt to decrease allergen levels. Measures for reducing exposure to mold allergens include cleaning with fungicides, dehumidification to less than 50%, remediation of any water damage, and HEPA filtration.
  4. Immunotherapy: If a patient presents with severe allergies, immunotherapy may be recommended with the use of allergy shots or sublingual tablets.
  5. Monitoring and follow-up:  Raincross Physicians can make necessary adjustments to your allergy management plan. Our Doctors provide regular check-ups to track your progress, address your concerns, and ensure you are receiving exceptional care.

Get in contact with a Raincross Physician today to help cure your allergies.