Frequently Asked Questions
Appointments can be made by calling the individual offices. Please see each doctors listing on the Meet the Doctors section for phone numbers of each office. Additionally, appointments can be made through ZocDoc (www.ZocDoc.com for Dr. Knopke)
Several offices offer the new patient paperwork in a format that is available online or by contacting the individual offices. Please see each providers page.
This varies by provider. However, in general, new patients should show up at least 20 minutes early to fill out their paperwork and established patients should show up to the appointment at their designated time.
Most offices can accommodate walk-ins. Please call the individual office to see if you will be able to be seen on that day.
Yes, Raincross Urgent Care is available 7 days a week.
We accept HMO, PPO, Tricare, Medicare, IEHP (selected offices, Dr. Bradford and Orange Crest – IEHP(Vantage)), and cash. HMO insurance is accepted when it is associated with Riverside Physician Network.
A deductible is an amount that must be paid by the patient before the insurance company will offer payment.
Co-insurance is when both the patient and the insurance company pay a portion of the bill. This type of payment is paid when the deductible has been met but the total out of pocket max has not been met.
It is an amount of money that is owed at the time of service independent of the amount of service performed.
The free annual exams as specified by the ACA (Affordable Care Act) includes preventative services such as screening for cholesterol, depression, diabetes, obesity, breast cancer and other preventative services. A complete list of covered services can be found here: uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org. Services that are not free are when treatments are offered. For example, cholesterol screening is free but treatment of high cholesterol, including the issuing and refilling of cholesterol medications is not. Basically, free services are limited to finding problems and charged services occur when problems are treated.